1. Do I have to be fast?

    We have people of all levels of competition in the club. If you enjoy running but aren’t the fastest out there, don’t worry about it! We would still love to have you come out to run and do races with us. On the other end, if you want to run at a high level of competition, we have people for that too. We will be doing speed work together once a week in order to help each other achieve racing goals and get some PR’s. In any race we do, we will always aim to field a strong team to compete.

  2. When do y’all run? And where?

    To check out running times check out our running schedules since they vary with season. But in short, during daylight savings time, we run at 6 PM, but once winter arrives we change that to 5:15 PM because running in the dark is scary. We meet in front of Gregory Gym to the right of the main stairs. Also check out our routes that we have, but which route we run on any given day depends on the weather and overall opinion of the members. So get acquainted which those routes and the times we run and come join us. If your not good with directions then talk to one of our running captains and they’ll help you out.

  3. What distances do y’all run?

    For each route we do, we have roughly a 3, 5, and 7 mile loop. They all start going the same direction, and for each distance, groups for each distance will break off.

    For those interested in more intense running training – we have a track Tuesday which focuses improving anything from your 100m time, all the way up to Marathon training. Lead by our two track coaches: Nathaniel and EJ, talk to them about your particular aspirations/

  4. Besides the runs are there other meetings?

    We only have one meeting per semester, and that’s the info meeting. There you will hear more about the club live in person from current officers, and can have your questions answered more rapidly. These info meetings are not mandatory to attend, all the info you need is contained in this website. However you will get free pizza at the meeting.

  5. Are the runs mandatory?

    NO. Runs are NOT mandatory. If you want to come once in a blue moon because you are really busy, then you do you! We realize everyone has a busy college schedule.

  6. Do I have to pay to run with the club?

    Not at all! We are not exclusive nor kick out people who want to run with us. Anyone is allowed to come out and run. The only difference is, members receive a 10% discount at designated running stores, we have discounts off races (you know this helps a lot as a college student), you may not get to participate in our relay races (best experience ever), and we have tons of socials. Let’s face it. The membership is definitely worth it. Oh and did I mention you get a free TRC shirt?

  7. How do I become a member?

    At our general meeting we give out membership forms you are required to fill out by RecSports, also there is a required payment for membership either for the year or semester. Is it worth it? You best believe it! Just go up to any officer or email one if you want to pay and join! Also check out our How to Join tab for some more info.

  8. What do I get out of being a member?

    Um… everything! Well I mean you get discounts on a lot of running stores, discounts on a lot of races, and a free t-shirt. Not only that you get to engage and run with the coolest people on campus! Talk to any current member about Cap to Coast or TIR and you’ll see why becoming a member is worth it. Here at TRC, we all have different backgrounds, majors, beliefs, ethnicities, but we all come together and just run for the love of it. I promise you will get not only better in your running, but you will meet tons of new awesome people that can become your lifelong friends!

  9. Where can I put my stuff before I go run?

    Greg Gym has lockers you can rent out a day for 25¢ and you keep a key to reopen it. Or many of our runners invest in a locker room locker which are about $30. You can even share a locker with someone for the year! Also there are day-use lockers in the locker rooms, you just need to bring your own lock. You could also leave all your stuff in your dorm/apartment since most people just carry their keys or iPod when running.